Brad Williams, of Lake George, N.Y., is a senior at Clarkson University in Potsdam, N.Y., and a 2018 Mack summer intern. Brad has been working in the Company’s purchasing department with Supply Chain Manager Eric White and Medical Supply Chain Manager John Preiser.
“The goal of any ‘good’ internship is one that provides value to both employer and employee. I think we accomplished that with Brad this summer,” Eric said. “It was clear from the beginning that his curriculum prepared him for many of the day to day challenges we face. We had a huge amount of new product introduction activities this summer, and Brad played a significant role in helping out the purchasing department.”
It is a perfect fit for Brad, who is majoring in global supply chain management. He has spent the summer researching current topics and issues regarding supply chains, as well as filling out component quality requirements (CQR) paperwork, cutting purchase orders (POs) and debt memos.
“The work I’ve been doing this summer relates directly to my major,” Brad noted. “I now understand the importance of staying up to date and well versed on any findings in my field. If you don’t, you begin to fall behind.”
Brad found out about Mack from the Company’s website and has been enjoying his time in Southern Vermont.
“Mack really cares about the work its interns are doing,” he said. “I’ve been working on projects that are giving me real experience and are expanding my knowledge. I’m also glad I get to spend my free time hiking and swimming, and playing my guitar.”
After graduating in December of this year, Brad plans to work in a supply chain buyer position.